Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bai Bai, 2009! :)

(Considering how cold it is here in my corner of the world...26 °F! Eeek! I *wish* I were in Fantasy Island lol)

Wow! It's been quite a 2009, and quite a decade! But, if you are reading this, chances are, somehow you survived it! Yay!

FYI, there is a new, FREE, Happy New Year-themed gesture that can be found at all my locations: in Whiskey, Midnight Lotus, and in Torch.

I purposefully made the gesture a lil louder than usual, so you can be heard while partying in those boisterous clubs on New Year's Eve ;) (I do so hate it when gestures are drowned out by music.) ;)

Now I won't tell you what exactly inspired me to make the gesture, but here's a hint ;)

As always, Gesture Wars! thanks you for your patronage! I will toast to your health come midnight! Here's to a fresh, spankin' new decade! :)

OH! My free Christmas gesture is also still out and can be found at any of my locations ;) I will keep them both on display for a little while longer.



Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ya Caught The Tater!

"It's a fair cop" ;)

It's amazing how cluttered and confused one's inventory becomes (or at least mine does) after a year passes by, when one stumbles across an item they've forgotten all about.

The above dress, called "Tater-Tot", is from The Dollhouse by LVS & Co., Ravenlynn Templar's "dollies and lollies" line. I found this little confection last Season when it was either a dollarbee or a freebie (to be honest, I forget which). So, into my mess of an inventory it went. When I stumbled on it today, I went to find a good background environment to explore and to photograph (or at least attempt to photograph) it in.

Behold: Winter at Fruit Islands. I found this lovely place under the Showcase tab in Search. With a snow castle, skating poses, crystallized trees, animals, snowmen, and other whimsical wintry elements too numerous to mention here, it's nothing short of delightful.

Even hitched a ride with the Jolly Old Elf himself so I could get a better view of things. (Wouldn't it be nice if Santa was a designated driver?) ;)

I should mention, however, when you and your friends visit Frosty Fruit Islands, keep three things in mind that should optimize your experience there: 1) Set your draw distance to about 200 (more if you have a good computer),

2) Make sure your Environment Settings are set at region default; you will not be disappointed if you do so. (One of my biggest gripes in SL is that it's all very well and good to put down a snow emitter, but then you have snow falling from a blue sky! And that's not how Mother Nature works lol!)

Lastly, 3) make sure your local lighting is turned on. Simply go into Preferences, then choose Graphics on the left menu, check the Custom box, and it should open a dialogue where at the bottom are Lighting Detail options, click the radio button that says 'Nearby local Lights'.

Now that I think about it, were I to return here again garbed up, I believe I'll opt for an ensemble that's more Narnia or Snow Queen-esque, rather than something Toyland-ish. Tried looking thru my inven again to find something that resembled the former, but came up empty. If, dear reader, you know of a good White Witch dress or gown that matches my description, please point me in that outfit's direction :) Cheers!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Oh Mah Gaahhhh!" or "Let's See How Many Xmas Images I Can Shove Into One Post =P"

Talk about coincidencescesces! Remember this blog entry from yesterday?

Well today I was Google Image searching for a desktop wallpaper, just using the words "Christmas wallpaper", when I landed on this! Squee!

Anyway, so I went over to Balderdash today when I received a notice about the new Christmas trees. And they truly are very lovely. If you haven't seen these yet, here's a shot of them:

Eeenie, meenie, miney, moe...

Sigh...once again, my photo-taking skills (or lack thereof) have failed to capture the beauty of yet another creator's products, which is all the more reason for you to go see the trees for yourself. While you are at it, join Saiyge Lotus' group, if you haven't already! Since it's a convenient S-O-M, I would call this a no-brainer.

I love coming here to shop and explore, and I'm fairly certain that was why all the hard work was put into this sim. ;) If I were to classify Balderdash, and the Oubliette sim itself, under a genre, I think I'd put it under the "high fantasy" category. But I'm afraid that if I do that it would dash my hopes of finding such an enchanting, lovely environment in my too cold, real world.

There are elements to the sim that aren't just imaginary! Here's a pic of the aurora borealis I stumbled on fairly recently! Obviously, that's not imaginary! It's very real indeed! So maybe I can still have that hope.

(Plz see previous comment regarding crap photo skills)

3) Now *this* is what a log cabin should look like!

Actually this is the "Winx Redwood Cottage", which is a very charming house built out of a very large log and is available for purchase, should you decide to take home some of the fantasy found in Oubliette and live in it!

Lastly, since I'm on the subject of "fantasy", here is an image I worked on today that highlights 2 things: Terry Pratchett, and one of my favorite times of the year ;)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Vizon? Narray? Ayivanca? Directive?

I am so, so pleased to have stumbled upon this! :)

Earlier this month, I watched "WALL-E" on DVD for the very first time, and it just charmed the pants off me. :) Since then, I had casually searched the grid for an EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator) avatar....and I found it! What's funny was, I found it when I wasn't looking for it, which was a bit of a "DUH!" moment for me, considering I located the avatar in the Greenies sim!

I'm not sure what I love most about this product, the fact that it's FREE! (Coadey Concord, creator of the EVE avie, you are an amazing human being. THANK YOU!!!)

Or the fact that it is HUD-based:

and has all these neat buttons you can push, (yes, I like to push buttons =P) which enable you to do all sorts of cool EVE-ish effects and animations, consistent with the movie:

Or the fact that the avie is full-perms!! Which means you could either do simple things with it, like resize and re-color, OR, if you're technically-minded, make "new animations, HUD additions, and attachments" to use with it, as suggested in Concord's included notecard.

If, like me, you live under a rock and don't watch movies all that much, I highly recommend you go buy, download, rent, steal (well, no, don't steal; that would be wrong).....whatever your preferred (legal) method is of obtaining movies, do invest in this Pixar gem :)

Then go onto Xstreet or TP over to the Greenies sim (Personally, any excuse to go to the Greenies sim is a good one) for your free copy of the EVE avatar.

Seriously, dooo eet naougghh!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Attention! Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Oye! Atención! Achtung Baby!

Please read this amazing post (of course it's amazing; I wrote it! =P) regarding important and exciting news about Midnight Lotus and Égoïsme! Yay! \0/

That is all....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Vay-nee-tay Ahh-Dor-Ayyy-MOOSE!" or "Check Out My Rack" ;)

Perched atop my head are a set of Rudolf Antlers from Rebel Hope. These were a group gift from last Christmas. The antlers came in TWO sizes, along with a pair of matching slippers. Because Heaven knows every sophisticated SL socialite simply *must* have coordinated bedroom slippers to go with her Holiday-themed antlers, right? ;)

I had forgotten all about these when I was rummaging thru my inventory this year, in the hopes of finding something festive to wear.

(Did I mention I've been wearing these since Black Friday? I guess I should look over my shoulder now and again, lest I get attacked by some big rogue stag)

Anyway, I was so inspired by this group gift that I went and made a NEW gesture! It seems like ages since I've worked on new product. (Mea culpa) Anyway, it's not just new, it's FREE! (yay for free lol) And in keeping with Holiday tradition, your gift is under the tree outside my shop in the Whiskey sim.

If you'd like to hear about the latest and greatest to come out of Gesture Wars, slap my S-O-M board while you're getting your free prezzie!

BTW, the first pic was taken at Khargo Furniture, one of the really nice shops that are taking part in the Peace On Earth Hunt.

Speaking of peace on earth, Steve Martin and I would like to wish you and yours the very same this Holiday Season. Cheers! :)

"Lyndzay Meili Is A Frickin Genius!"

*Plays a breaking news teletype sound thingie*

Today I'm reporting LIVE here in the aptly Xmas-themed Thistle sim, from inside Lyndzay Meili's gadget and animation store: Lyndz-Matic. Why? Because, like many of you, I've been on the Peace On Earth Hunt and learned about many of the awesome hunt gifts available to us.

Upon discovering Lyndzay Meili's contribution to the POE hunt, which were her snowball poseballs, and considering she scripted the snowballs to BE the poseballs, I concluded that they were just the cleverest & cutest PB's ever! I then scooted over to Lyndzay Meili's shop to grab them for myself.....

And found her equally clever and cute shop, Lyndz-Matic, "Home of the Lyndz-Matic Flaming Toast Launcher" (Now in version 2.0!). Lyndz-Matic is laid out like a retro Americana diner, the kind of establishment you stop in for a quick bite in between your Holiday shopping trips.

Like most AO shops, you'll find product vendors on the walls, which feature a varied assortment of stand and sit poses, you will also find her products to be priced in a nice and reasonable range. What's different about Lyndz-Matic is that instead of demoing the poses on scripted platforms, you hop up onto these darling napkin dispensers, in keeping with the overall diner theme! I replayed my Grandmother's voice in my head, telling a much younger, RL version of myself to get off the table at the local Horn & Hardart she used to take me to :)

"You can keep your antlers on" ;)

So if you haven't gone to Lyndz-Matic yet, either via the Peace On Earth Hunt or other means, I suggest you do so soon.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

No Clean Feed

While I am neither one to get involved in politics, nor am I Australian, what I've read recently that the Australian Federal Government's cooked up, has left me shocked, outraged, and disgusted. It is a crime when *any* system of government chooses to treat their people in this manner.

While the Australian Government *might* have good intentions with this measure, my fear is, sooner or later, measures such as this, will be used to oppress their people.

I've seen it happen before in other countries. I sure as hell don't wish to see it happen again.

If you are anything like me, if you believe in free speech--which, btw, is an innate, God-given right for ALL people--I strongly urge you to take action and let your voice be heard.

Thank you.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"It's A Nice Day For A 'White?' Wedding" or "Better Late Than Never"

I know it's terribly late in the month of June to post a bridal outfit review. Bad me. Bad blogger. I had actually typed this up some months back and I'm just getting 'round to posting it. Hope you enjoy! :)

I rezzed Viola's avie waaaay back in 2006 A.D. ;-) Before the SL fashion industry was inundated, saturated, and impregnated, there were a few--a happy few--designers on the grid that existed for my shopping pleasure. (At least that's how I like to put it =P). Two of those designers were Fallingwater Cellardoor of Shiny Things and Hyasynth Tiramisu of Silent Sparrow. Since then, I've happily shopped in both stores with great frequency.

But what's odd is, for as many times as I've gone into Shiny Things, I was shocked to learn that, *somehow*, this ensemble had always eluded my field of vision:

Then again, I do play Oblivious Wench Extraordinaire a *bit* much and may never have noticed it before. So I guess it's not that big a shock that I noticed Silent Sparrow's "White? Wedding" dress and Shiny Things' TWO "Wilted Wedding Bouquets" for the first time this year!

However, maybe I'm not the only one who missed this cadaverous confection, in which case, I am glad to present these items to you, if for no other purpose than to make you aware of their very existence.

Textured with blood splatterings, old lace & embroidery, the "White? Wedding" is perfect for the goth bride who is uninterested in the typical meringue style on her wedding day. It will also work well if the bride is getting hitched on All Hallow's Eve, or enjoys partaking in Lily Munster, vampyric Lucy Westenra, or Bride Of Frankenstein roleplay. ;)

There is wonderful attention to detail going on here, from the ripped stockings, to the jacket-layered "extra blood", to the crowning glory of the veil, made by Calico Ingmann Creations.

As I said, there are TWO "Wilted Wedding Bouquets":

which match the dress in a beautifully grim fashion, and are available in "dark" and "pale" hues. What Fallingwater Cellardoor did that's Really Cool was add not only a hold script to the Bouquets, but ALSO a walk AO! Brilliant idea! After all, I don't care how non-traditional the bride is, ain't no way she wants to do the duck walk down the aisle!

Speaking of Shiny Things, I am also wearing Fallingwater's "Spring Stilettos" in white in these photos. But that was just my preference. Feel free to get creative! For example, if you wish to be A Very Gritty Bride, go with Fallingwater's "Old Laceup Boots" under "White? Wedding" instead!

Between the Dress and the Bouquets, I am reminded of three bridal archetypes: First is the apparent "undead bride" style. Second is the "heirloom" variety as if the dress was your grandmother's. And the third archetype is the poor jilted Miss Havisham from Dickens' "Great Expectations." Not that I wish that kind of misfortune on ANYONE, mind you. Rather, if you are one of the few, the happy few, who are fortunate enough to get hitched here in SL, I wish you and your betrothed lots and lots of Happily Ever Afterness, no matter how flamboyantly freakish your wedding ceremony! ;)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Demon-strative Evidence"

I am probably the last person on the grid that can write code or explain how it works. In truth, I couldn't script my way out of a paper bag. The little I do know about scripting is thus: Scripting, or "coding," is a terribly intricate language written by incredibly intelligent people, aka "code monkeys", who then apply the script to the object it's intended for. Then, that scripted object performs Really Cool Things in SL. Scripting is what causes the tail of the neko, or, for the sake of this article, of the demon, to go "swish!", it's what makes us shake our groove thangs when we click on a dance ball, and it brings your RL emotions to life when you use your multitool to hug your best friend.

Much like that light switch you flip on when you enter a room, the effects of scripting seem instant and simple, yet are complex and amazing at the same time.

The RL counterpart to Kohl Staheli was a coder, designer & software architect for many years, and still is. Upon creating his pixelated version, the self-proclaimed demon wanted to see if the grid could be used "as a simple communication medium". That did not pan out as intended. However, he discovered that SL held great promise for developing content, of which Kohl has a rather strong interest.

And I am quite happy he chose the latter route, because what was developed was a really sleek and fun product line of interactive sex and RP items, which are available at his store, called 2ndXtasy.

The store has a small, yet impressive inventory, which is good for those of you who pick quality over quantity when shopping. There are several HUD-controlled products which seem to work with each other rather nicely.

For example, if you're planning a fun romp with that special someone(s) you can use the lasciviously arousing Invisible Overlays with each other:

Maybe add in the diabolically stimulating Demon Horns & Tail:

check out the chains!

Then you have a titillating set of ingredients which make for a pretty sensual recipe, if you ask me ;)

Or, consider the new "Nature's Restraint" line, for some BDSM fun....

Up until this release, I was not a big fan of in-world BDSM products. Take, for example, the X-cross. The crosses are often made of rough, splintery wood, which can be really uncomfortable, and not in a good, kinky way. And they're found in most BDSM-themed dungeons and castles, which tend to be cold and damp, and trigger my allergies (yeah, I know it's only virtual, but still), again, not in a good, kinky way ;)

Well what's the point of BDSM if the end result isn't fun? ;) And who says that all BDSM has to take place in dark, dismal environments?

This is why I went positively mad when I saw 2ndXtasy's "Nature's Restraint". This flower cross is just one piece from the line:

I tried out the flower because I was curious if my directionally-challenged self could easily interact with it, and lo, I could! I was also pleased to see how well made it was and how nice the texturing was…..and because I couldn't resist from indulging in a brief Merry Gentry-esque fantasy ;)

Immediately I envisioned delicious fantasies being played out by Sidhe folks in green, sylvan sims with bright prim sunlight beams shining down on the participants.

If you are into the Fae side of SL, I couldn't recommend a better line of products to satiate the sensuous side of your Seelie or Unseelie desires.

All in all, 2ndXtasy has a wonderful collection of cleverly and responsibly made items.

Why do I say "responsibly"?

When a scripted item does its magical voodoo, sometimes it results in such laggy conditions that one has little choice but to move by dragging him or herself along by their own eyelids! (Think about the last time you tried to walk thru fog, or came in contact with the “smoke” that came from a scripted cigar or campfire) Kohl Staheli informed me that 2ndXtasy's scripts are written to a high standard so that they don't "hurt the sim". (Yes, other things do indeed cause lag, but I'm referring to scripts here.)

So, I am happy that I learned of 2ndXtasy with plenty of items that are well-made, sim-friendly, have a healthy dose of naughtiness, and most importantly, fun! I am delighted of the opportunity to inform you of this store.

Demon Horns & Tail and Restraints: 2ndXtasy
Leather Corset Dress & Shrug: .:ATSD:.
Boots: TheAbyss
Hair: Deviant Kitties
Fae Dress: Simone!
Eyes: Celestial Studios

Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Look of the Day!", or "It's Flag Day!" :)

"Tis the Star-Spangled Banner. Oh, long may it wave. O'er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!"

Flag Day.

With today being "Flag Day" here in the U.S., and because Independence Day is soon approaching, Summer is perhaps the one season out of the entire year when I feel the *most* patriotic. (Yes, I know; bad me. Being an American, I should be patriotic 365/24/7, and not take for granted things like freedom, liberty, and my country.) But during the Summer months, I try to remember sacrifices made for people like myself. I try to be a more grateful & humble person, and yet be proud of my roots. For example, I try to not RP the whole "anglophile" thing so much. (Not that RPing makes us evil, for why should we deny ourselves the experience of delving into a culture, or a genre, that's by its nature foreign to our mundane lifestyles.)

Earlier today I was trying to recall my earliest RL memory, and finding it rather difficult. Think about it. How far back can you remember about your childhood? Can you remember being born?? I suspect not for most of us. It's all a bit existential in a "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern" kind of way. (Yes, I know I said I wasn't gonna refer to Brit culture so much =P)

Actually, thinking back, I was surprised to recall quite a bit from my RL childhood. One of the memories that stuck in my mind is going to a Bicentennial parade in 1976 as a very little girl, with my Mom, Nana and Pop Pop, pushing me in my coach decorated with flags and ribbons. I remember the city bedecked in a lot of red, white and blue: Stars were stenciled in the streets along the parade route, poles were painted, and everywhere you looked, hung about and waved, were bunting and flags....

Especially this one:

Fast forward 30-somethin years to my fave virtual playground, and I stumble on the above flag, made by Bruce Freelunch :) In true Viola style, I freak out from the crossover experience and the memories that flooded in like movie flashback scenes. Checked Bruce's profile to see if he had a store around to direct you to, but I couldn't find one, so I sent him a Notecard, thanking him for sparking happy childhood memories for me. Hopefully he receives it.

The rest of this outfit was put together because of its squee-worthy elements, and due to my Uncle Sam-esque mood:


Uncle Sam Top Hat: A Touch Of Ireland
Bracelets: (Dahlinks)
Necklace, Earrings and Belly Ring: **Solange!!
Red Sparkler: !Rebel Hope
Wedges: J's
Bikini Top & Bottoms: Adam n Eve
Last pic shot "on location" ;) at Midnight Lotus

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lots of Gnus! :)

Nooooo....Not *guns*! "Oh wow..........James........"*drools as her eyes glaze over*

Right! Focus, Viola! Focus!

Ahem....as I was saying, not guns, but gnus:

As in "NEW"-ness!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I won't bore you with that much verbiage ;) What you see here is a snapshot of the most recent mall stall I rented at for Gesture Wars! In said snapshot, you also see 2 moar vendors set up that now hold new material I've just made! So now there are three vendors brimming with gestures. We'll call them "Tom", "Dick" and "Harry", so as to avoid confusion. ;)

You see, first there was "Tom". (Which is the first vendor/pose stand thingy on the left in the photo) Then I became inspired and made several new gestures. I put the new ones in the 2nd vendor ("Dick") until it ran out of memory. So I had to rez another copy of the vendor ("Harry") and stuck the balance of the new gestures in it. So when you come & demo them, you may realize that "Harry" doesn't have as many gestures as Tom or Dick lol.

*ALSO*, there is a second fatpack that has all the new material in it, discounted at 50% off the individual gestures that currently reside in "Dick and Harry". The first fatpack is still there as well, which contains all of the gestures in "Tom", also at 50% off of the individual prices.

In addition to demoing the gestures, there is also a freebie on the floor for you. :)

Lastly, while you're there, I highly recommend checking out *all* of the Role Play Market. Gesture Wars! is in the "Miscellaneous and Accessories" department. But oh my goodness, no matter what kind of RP you're into: Steampunk, pyrate, gothic, etc, they've got it. (Personally, I could spend hours in their "High Fantasy" section, shopping for wings and other fae items :-D ) I believe they also have an Adult sim that features Gor RP, but I'm not sure on the particulars there or when that one will open.

FYI, Gesture Wars! can also be found at ZV Yard Sale, Midnight Lotus, and at my main location in Whiskey

Thank you for reading and shopping at Gesture Wars! I hope you have as much fun playing the gestures as I had making them! :) xoxo

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Ladies & Gentlemen!"

....and the rest of you strange people in the back....

I am proud to announce that after three years of playing SL, (and several months of research and development) I have finally become....insert jarring chord here....A Content Creator!

My first foray into running an SL biz, "Gesture Wars!", is finally up and running and can be found at my new store in the Whiskey sim for your amusement! :)

Why make gestures?

You see, there are occasions when I will log out of SL and into RL (sometimes even voluntarily). When that happens, external stimuli will come into contact with my real ears, some of which cause my real counterpart to sit up and say, "That would make a great in-world gesture!!" And I am then inspired to "make it so".

This, then, is a compilation of some of such stimuli, turned into gestures, packaged up and ready for you to try out. However, if you would like to save some Lindens, there is a Gesture Wars! fatpack of all the items that are in the vendor, which will save you 50% over buying the gestures individually. This fatpack is available on XstreetSL, and at my store in-world.

Heartfelt thanks go to two very dear friends of mine for their support throughout this process: The Grand Poobah, Hasuko Kuramoto, of Midnight Lotus and to The Big Kahuna, Zak Volare, of ZV's Yard Sale. Both were kind enough to carve out niches in their merchant areas so I could set up shop before I got my store in Whiskey.

Now a few words about the permissions themselves...actually two words: "Transfer Only". I thought for a long time about what perms to give the gestures. Maybe it's because Rich Palmer's clever Bob Marley filk, \"No Copy/No Mod\", is playing in my head like a broken record, that I decided to deem the gestures as such.

Demoing the gestures on the vendor is very simple. In the immortal words of The Fonz, "just sit on it". The vendor will play the gesture that is currently in the queue. When you wish to advance to the next one, simply click the arrows. Otherwise the vendor will continue playing the same gesture over (and over). When you find the gesture you want, right click on the vendor and select, "Pay". That's it!

If you follow this blog, you'll be able to find out when I add new gestures. In the meantime, thank you for visiting Gesture Wars! I hope you have as much fun playing them as I have had making them. :)

Besos!! :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Staaaar Trekking Across The Universe.....!"

"....Always going forward, 'cos we can't find reverse!"

It came as no big surprise to me when one of my friends and former Tiny Empires subjects, Neferon Nevadan, tossed me a copy of Ultralite Soleil's newest version of MMPG crack, "Tiny Empires 3000" this past weekend. After all, Ultralite took the grid by storm last year with the original TE game and its add-on, "TE: Federation". Both of which were wildly successful, and were like some virtual HUD-based renfaire, with all the customary fun and drama of the real deal, minus the expensive ticket prices and overcooked turkey legs. So it doesn't shock me all that much to learn that Ultralite came out with a new generation of an MMPG.

Now, unless you've been living in a cave, you yourself played TE at some point. Or, you at least heard of TE, if empire-building games are not your kink. The last time I played TE: Federation, I had made it all the way up to the rank of Princess...and stopped. My decision to not advance to Queendom status was based on the fact that I am already a spoiled brat of a princess in both SL and RL, and there isn't a hat big enough in either Life to fit my already swelled head.

Cue the "futuristic sequel" to TE: Tiny Empires 3000! I'll call it "TE3K" for short, or, maybe I should call it Mystery Science TE3K, for it is indeed a space opera/science fiction themed game. However I refer to it, it's here, in all its addictive plug and play glory, ready for me to expand my own trading dominion, "by purchasing ships, joining a guild, gaining subordinates, cultivating colonists," and potentially starting a guild of my own! Muahaha!

So what does all this mean for me? It means the genius MMPG-making crack dealer known as Ultralite Soleil has turned the former corset-wearing, castle-dwelling Perilous Princess Penelope....

into none other than the arse-kicking, semi-automatic weapon totin', HMS Hawkwing-commanding heroine Honor Harrington!

With her trusty treecat, Nimitz, by her side, of course.

So off I go, into the great unknown, to cultivate my trade empire, build up income and defend my starships against evil space pirates...

Bring it, Bishes!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Very First Blawgsite!!

Better men have realized alone is not a venture,
A decent man would realize alone is not a venture,
Just to hide away, hide away.

~"A Venture" by Yes

Yay!!! \o/

For various reasons, I've been wanting my own blog for some time now. I searched various sites, tried different formats and finally decided that Blogger's layout and interface suited me best. Considering how much I play, shop, write, and, most recently, create in SL, I felt it was time for me to get my own darn blog. ;)

In the not-too-distant future, hopefully, there will be many, many posts here. Posts that will span the gamut from my new in-world gesture biz, "Comic To Tragic Gestures!", to entries about fashion, or about cool builds, or about friends, or.....well, quite frankly, about any bloody thing in SL that inspires me! :)

So do keep watching this space. More exciting content to come....honest! :)