"It's a fair cop" ;)It's amazing how cluttered and confused one's inventory becomes (or at least mine does) after a year passes by, when one stumbles across an item they've forgotten all about.
The above dress, called "Tater-Tot", is from
The Dollhouse by LVS & Co., Ravenlynn Templar's "dollies and lollies" line. I found this little confection last Season when it was either a dollarbee or a freebie (to be honest, I forget which). So, into my mess of an inventory it went. When I stumbled on it today, I went to find a good background environment to explore and to photograph (or at least attempt to photograph) it in.

Winter at Fruit Islands. I found this lovely place under the Showcase tab in Search. With a snow castle, skating poses, crystallized trees, animals, snowmen, and other whimsical wintry elements too numerous to mention here, it's nothing short of delightful.

Even hitched a ride with the Jolly Old Elf himself so I could get a better view of things. (Wouldn't it be nice if Santa was a designated driver?) ;)
I should mention, however, when you and your friends visit
Frosty Fruit Islands, keep three things in mind that should optimize your experience there: 1) Set your draw distance to about 200 (more if you have a good computer),
2) Make sure your Environment Settings are set at region default; you will not be disappointed if you do so. (One of my biggest gripes in SL is that it's all very well and good to put down a snow emitter, but then you have snow falling from a blue sky! And that's not how Mother Nature works lol!)
Lastly, 3) make sure your local lighting is turned on. Simply go into Preferences, then choose Graphics on the left menu, check the Custom box, and it should open a dialogue where at the bottom are Lighting Detail options, click the radio button that says 'Nearby local Lights'.
Now that I think about it, were I to return
here again garbed up, I believe I'll opt for an ensemble that's more Narnia or Snow Queen-esque, rather than something Toyland-ish. Tried looking thru my inven again to find something that resembled the former, but came up empty. If, dear reader, you know of a good
White Witch dress or gown that matches my description, please point me in that outfit's direction :) Cheers!