Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bai Bai, 2009! :)

(Considering how cold it is here in my corner of the world...26 °F! Eeek! I *wish* I were in Fantasy Island lol)

Wow! It's been quite a 2009, and quite a decade! But, if you are reading this, chances are, somehow you survived it! Yay!

FYI, there is a new, FREE, Happy New Year-themed gesture that can be found at all my locations: in Whiskey, Midnight Lotus, and in Torch.

I purposefully made the gesture a lil louder than usual, so you can be heard while partying in those boisterous clubs on New Year's Eve ;) (I do so hate it when gestures are drowned out by music.) ;)

Now I won't tell you what exactly inspired me to make the gesture, but here's a hint ;)

As always, Gesture Wars! thanks you for your patronage! I will toast to your health come midnight! Here's to a fresh, spankin' new decade! :)

OH! My free Christmas gesture is also still out and can be found at any of my locations ;) I will keep them both on display for a little while longer.



Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ya Caught The Tater!

"It's a fair cop" ;)

It's amazing how cluttered and confused one's inventory becomes (or at least mine does) after a year passes by, when one stumbles across an item they've forgotten all about.

The above dress, called "Tater-Tot", is from The Dollhouse by LVS & Co., Ravenlynn Templar's "dollies and lollies" line. I found this little confection last Season when it was either a dollarbee or a freebie (to be honest, I forget which). So, into my mess of an inventory it went. When I stumbled on it today, I went to find a good background environment to explore and to photograph (or at least attempt to photograph) it in.

Behold: Winter at Fruit Islands. I found this lovely place under the Showcase tab in Search. With a snow castle, skating poses, crystallized trees, animals, snowmen, and other whimsical wintry elements too numerous to mention here, it's nothing short of delightful.

Even hitched a ride with the Jolly Old Elf himself so I could get a better view of things. (Wouldn't it be nice if Santa was a designated driver?) ;)

I should mention, however, when you and your friends visit Frosty Fruit Islands, keep three things in mind that should optimize your experience there: 1) Set your draw distance to about 200 (more if you have a good computer),

2) Make sure your Environment Settings are set at region default; you will not be disappointed if you do so. (One of my biggest gripes in SL is that it's all very well and good to put down a snow emitter, but then you have snow falling from a blue sky! And that's not how Mother Nature works lol!)

Lastly, 3) make sure your local lighting is turned on. Simply go into Preferences, then choose Graphics on the left menu, check the Custom box, and it should open a dialogue where at the bottom are Lighting Detail options, click the radio button that says 'Nearby local Lights'.

Now that I think about it, were I to return here again garbed up, I believe I'll opt for an ensemble that's more Narnia or Snow Queen-esque, rather than something Toyland-ish. Tried looking thru my inven again to find something that resembled the former, but came up empty. If, dear reader, you know of a good White Witch dress or gown that matches my description, please point me in that outfit's direction :) Cheers!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Oh Mah Gaahhhh!" or "Let's See How Many Xmas Images I Can Shove Into One Post =P"

Talk about coincidencescesces! Remember this blog entry from yesterday?

Well today I was Google Image searching for a desktop wallpaper, just using the words "Christmas wallpaper", when I landed on this! Squee!

Anyway, so I went over to Balderdash today when I received a notice about the new Christmas trees. And they truly are very lovely. If you haven't seen these yet, here's a shot of them:

Eeenie, meenie, miney, moe...

Sigh...once again, my photo-taking skills (or lack thereof) have failed to capture the beauty of yet another creator's products, which is all the more reason for you to go see the trees for yourself. While you are at it, join Saiyge Lotus' group, if you haven't already! Since it's a convenient S-O-M, I would call this a no-brainer.

I love coming here to shop and explore, and I'm fairly certain that was why all the hard work was put into this sim. ;) If I were to classify Balderdash, and the Oubliette sim itself, under a genre, I think I'd put it under the "high fantasy" category. But I'm afraid that if I do that it would dash my hopes of finding such an enchanting, lovely environment in my too cold, real world.

There are elements to the sim that aren't just imaginary! Here's a pic of the aurora borealis I stumbled on fairly recently! Obviously, that's not imaginary! It's very real indeed! So maybe I can still have that hope.

(Plz see previous comment regarding crap photo skills)

3) Now *this* is what a log cabin should look like!

Actually this is the "Winx Redwood Cottage", which is a very charming house built out of a very large log and is available for purchase, should you decide to take home some of the fantasy found in Oubliette and live in it!

Lastly, since I'm on the subject of "fantasy", here is an image I worked on today that highlights 2 things: Terry Pratchett, and one of my favorite times of the year ;)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Vizon? Narray? Ayivanca? Directive?

I am so, so pleased to have stumbled upon this! :)

Earlier this month, I watched "WALL-E" on DVD for the very first time, and it just charmed the pants off me. :) Since then, I had casually searched the grid for an EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator) avatar....and I found it! What's funny was, I found it when I wasn't looking for it, which was a bit of a "DUH!" moment for me, considering I located the avatar in the Greenies sim!

I'm not sure what I love most about this product, the fact that it's FREE! (Coadey Concord, creator of the EVE avie, you are an amazing human being. THANK YOU!!!)

Or the fact that it is HUD-based:

and has all these neat buttons you can push, (yes, I like to push buttons =P) which enable you to do all sorts of cool EVE-ish effects and animations, consistent with the movie:

Or the fact that the avie is full-perms!! Which means you could either do simple things with it, like resize and re-color, OR, if you're technically-minded, make "new animations, HUD additions, and attachments" to use with it, as suggested in Concord's included notecard.

If, like me, you live under a rock and don't watch movies all that much, I highly recommend you go buy, download, rent, steal (well, no, don't steal; that would be wrong).....whatever your preferred (legal) method is of obtaining movies, do invest in this Pixar gem :)

Then go onto Xstreet or TP over to the Greenies sim (Personally, any excuse to go to the Greenies sim is a good one) for your free copy of the EVE avatar.

Seriously, dooo eet naougghh!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Attention! Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Oye! Atención! Achtung Baby!

Please read this amazing post (of course it's amazing; I wrote it! =P) regarding important and exciting news about Midnight Lotus and Égoïsme! Yay! \0/

That is all....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Vay-nee-tay Ahh-Dor-Ayyy-MOOSE!" or "Check Out My Rack" ;)

Perched atop my head are a set of Rudolf Antlers from Rebel Hope. These were a group gift from last Christmas. The antlers came in TWO sizes, along with a pair of matching slippers. Because Heaven knows every sophisticated SL socialite simply *must* have coordinated bedroom slippers to go with her Holiday-themed antlers, right? ;)

I had forgotten all about these when I was rummaging thru my inventory this year, in the hopes of finding something festive to wear.

(Did I mention I've been wearing these since Black Friday? I guess I should look over my shoulder now and again, lest I get attacked by some big rogue stag)

Anyway, I was so inspired by this group gift that I went and made a NEW gesture! It seems like ages since I've worked on new product. (Mea culpa) Anyway, it's not just new, it's FREE! (yay for free lol) And in keeping with Holiday tradition, your gift is under the tree outside my shop in the Whiskey sim.

If you'd like to hear about the latest and greatest to come out of Gesture Wars, slap my S-O-M board while you're getting your free prezzie!

BTW, the first pic was taken at Khargo Furniture, one of the really nice shops that are taking part in the Peace On Earth Hunt.

Speaking of peace on earth, Steve Martin and I would like to wish you and yours the very same this Holiday Season. Cheers! :)

"Lyndzay Meili Is A Frickin Genius!"

*Plays a breaking news teletype sound thingie*

Today I'm reporting LIVE here in the aptly Xmas-themed Thistle sim, from inside Lyndzay Meili's gadget and animation store: Lyndz-Matic. Why? Because, like many of you, I've been on the Peace On Earth Hunt and learned about many of the awesome hunt gifts available to us.

Upon discovering Lyndzay Meili's contribution to the POE hunt, which were her snowball poseballs, and considering she scripted the snowballs to BE the poseballs, I concluded that they were just the cleverest & cutest PB's ever! I then scooted over to Lyndzay Meili's shop to grab them for myself.....

And found her equally clever and cute shop, Lyndz-Matic, "Home of the Lyndz-Matic Flaming Toast Launcher" (Now in version 2.0!). Lyndz-Matic is laid out like a retro Americana diner, the kind of establishment you stop in for a quick bite in between your Holiday shopping trips.

Like most AO shops, you'll find product vendors on the walls, which feature a varied assortment of stand and sit poses, you will also find her products to be priced in a nice and reasonable range. What's different about Lyndz-Matic is that instead of demoing the poses on scripted platforms, you hop up onto these darling napkin dispensers, in keeping with the overall diner theme! I replayed my Grandmother's voice in my head, telling a much younger, RL version of myself to get off the table at the local Horn & Hardart she used to take me to :)

"You can keep your antlers on" ;)

So if you haven't gone to Lyndz-Matic yet, either via the Peace On Earth Hunt or other means, I suggest you do so soon.